Chess Game Online - Play Free Chess Board Games
Step into the world of Chess - a legendary game of strategy and cunning played on a checkered battlefield of 64 squares! Now, you can enjoy this timeless duel online for free. Ready to make your move? Simply click on a piece, and watch the possible moves light up in blue or green - then strike with precision! Outsmart your opponent and claim victory, one brilliant move at a time. The board is set, your pieces are ready - let the mind games begin! Have fun!
15,534 play times
How to Play Chess Game
Click a piece you want to move, possible tile move with blue or green color will be shown, then click one of them.
Why Chess is a Dangerous Sport
Outside the elite - among professional players who are struggling to make a living, or among the hordes of middle-aged blokes trying to get to grips with this stressful, frustrating, exhausting game - there is far less attention paid to health. Chess clubs often meet in pubs and many players like a pint; the number of huge stomachs on show at any chess tournament is staggering. The game - and I realize this is a wild generalization, but one based on more than a grain of truth - tends to attract dysfunctional men with peculiar home lives. You can bet their diet will not be balanced; many will be living on bacon and eggs and beer. This is not a recipe for a long, healthy life. The great Soviet players of the postwar period had the most ridiculous lifestyle: they more or less lived on vodka, cigarettes and chess, and many of them died young. Take Leonid Stein as an example. A three-times champion of the USSR in the 1960s, he dropped dead of a heart attack in 1973 at the age of just 38. Mikhail Tal, world champion in the early 1960s, was dogged by ill health during his career, and died at the age of 55 - a desperate loss to the sport. Vladimir Bagirov, who was world senior champion in 1998, was 63 when he dropped dead at the board while playing in Finland in 2000.